Our Work

Building UP

The Building Up study tests the effectiveness of a career development intervention developed at the University of Pittsburgh. Building Up is designed for postdocs and junior faculty who are underrepresented in health-related sciences on a national basis. A total of 25 institutions across the United States varying in size and current levels of diversity have agreed to participate. In-depth interviews with 100 Building Up participants will provide summative evaluation of this intervention.



Building UP a Diverse Workforce for Biomedical Research

Website: Building Up Website


The Building Up study tests the effectiveness of a career development intervention developed at the University of Pittsburgh. Building Up is designed for postdocs and junior faculty who are underrepresented in health-related sciences on a national basis. A total of 25 institutions across the United States varying in size and current levels of diversity have agreed to participate. In-depth interviews with 100 Building Up participants will provide summative evaluation of this intervention.

Including Perspectives from Nearly All Intervention Participants

In order to achieve the study goals, we intend to interview 100 participants from the study: 50 from participants in the control arm, and 50 who have received Building UP interventions. Participants will be drawn from institutions across the country. Interviews conducted with them will help to assess what they have appreciated about and how they have benefited from the program, as well as any barriers they have experienced to participation and suggested changes that participants have for future iterations of the program.

More information about the study can be found here:


The CBQM Qualitative Core will Collect and Analyze Qualitative Interview Data

The CBQM Qualitative Core will aid the project investigators in collecting and analyzing the open-ended interview data that will be used as part of a summative evaluation of the program.

Interviewing, Transcription, and Analysis

The CBQM Qualitative Core will be collecting and analyzing these interviews using traditional qualitative techniques, including content and thematic analyses. Interviews will be conducted remotely with Building UP participants from across the country, and transcribed in-house. Following transcription, we will utilize MaxQDA software to assist conventional content and thematic analyses of the data.


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