- University of Pittsburgh CBQM | Biostatistics


The CBQM Biostatistics Core is comprised of MS-level biostatisticians who conduct a wide range of statistical analyses as well as PhD-level biostatisticians affiliated with the Division of General Internal Medicine.


The Biostatistics Core includes experienced MS-level statisticians who conduct a wide range of analyses. Together with experienced biostats faculty (in the Division of General Internal Medicine), the Core brings expertise in clinical trial design, cluster-randomized studies, surveys, and epidemiologic studies; development and calculation of sample size and power estimates; and development and execution of statistical analysis plans. Our statisticians contribute significantly to developing and conducting analyses as well as interpreting and writing for publications and grant applications.


  • Collaboratively discuss/revise research objectives
  • Develop overall statistical strategies
  • Design clinical trials and other experimental studies
  • Develop sampling approaches for survey/observational studies
  • Calculate sample sizes through refining measures of clinical/scientific effects
  • Determine/implement randomization and treatment assignment strategies


  • Provide guidance on general analytical strategies and interpretation of results
  • Develop/implement modeling for multivariable problems and prediction
  • Analysis of risk factor significance and treatment effectiveness
  • Develop/ implement analyses for longitudinal and correlated data structures

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